In our work environment, making long lasting change which is an enduring and sustainable mark of improvement that everyone desires – Knowing where to start is the challenge. This course will enable you;
- To Rethink the status quo – on how care is delivered
- To Know how to look at the problem from different view points (Pt, HCW, policy expert, management)
- To test and learn from the changes made
- To develop habits of an improver
- To measure progress
- To work as a team – improvement process
- To analyze and use data as evidence for decision making
- To adopt and better use coaching as a leadership tool
- To create a culture of improvement
- To celebrate small improvements and success
- To build a network and learn from the large community of improvers for continued support
Course Target:
This course provides an overview of organisational approaches to quality improvement.
- All cadres of healthcare professionals across all service delivery levels (management to frontline service providers)
- Persons new to the field of quality improvement
- Persons in need of refreshing on what they already know/practice in improving quality of care.
Course Overview: Levels, Duration & skills transfer
This course is designed in three competency levels
Level I - Introductory Level QI Practitioner
Level II - Intermediate Level QI Practitioner
Level III - Advanced Level QI Practitioner
These levels recognizes the participants skill levels and they are designed separately from each other but related in knowledge incrementally. Feel free to take the hort knowledge test to ascertain which level best suits you to take. Beginners can start at level I and continue to level III.
Knowledge self assessment link:...
- Delivery Mode/Course levels & Duration
This is an online self paced learning. Designed to take a maximum of 4 weeks for each level. It will introduce you to QI approaches and methodologies and help you gain the necessary skills to design and implement QI projects.
- Mentorship and Coaching for QI Skills transfer – 3 months
This is an optional task for level I and II, however it is a requirement for level III where you will be taken through the implementation journey for a period of three months after completing the course by being attached to a QI mentor/coach to support you put into practice the skills you have acquired to deliver a QI project of your choice at your workstation.
- The attached course outline provides more details – QI Course Module Outlay
Course Package
Weekly self-paced on-line sessions – curated learning materials available on-line round the clock.
On-line discussion forums.
End of module knowledge check – 80% pass mark is desired for progress to the next module.
An additional three months QI project implementation mentorship by the QI coaches – (Optional for course level I & II but required for course level III)
An opportunity to be part of a QI 'community' on JOIN platform an online platform for continuous learning and networking on QI initiatives.
Certificates issued to participants who've successfully completed course for (level I and II and at least one cycle of a QI project during mentorship period for Level III)